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The Ultimate Guide To Everything You Need To Know About Aquamarine and How to Buy It

Aquamarine often exists in the shadow of its more famous sibling emerald. But don’t mistake aqua’s halcyon color to pale in comparison to the lush deepness of the green giant. 

In this educational post, you will discover the following - 

  • Gemstone knowledge in simple terms that’s easy to understand

  • What to look for when purchasing aquamarine jewelry

  • How to care for aquamarine jewelry

  • Metaphysical meaning and benefits

Beryl Beauties

Being both from the beryl family of gemstones, they share the same crystalline structure and hardness range on the Mohs scale. Aquamarines, unlike their grassy green emerald counterparts, have significantly more clarity. Much like the vibrant blue color of the sky on a clear day atop Mount Everest. 

The inclusions commonly found in emeralds often give an irregular ‘grassy’ color distribution that is cloudy or ‘sleepy.’ In contrast, ‘clean’ aquamarines are far easier to find due to the material being less brittle. The internal stress of more glass-like stones can cause more inclusions and cracks. 

Aquamarine’s blue hue is one of the stone’s iconic features due to the presence of iron. You can find it in an array of shades ranging from sea green, sky blue, and dark blue. The darker, richer color of blue is the most sought after and therefore the most valuable. 

Like most gemstones, aquamarines can be found in igneous rocks where past volcanic activity was present millions of years ago. Beryl specifically forms where pockets of water-rich magma cool to form crystal masses called “pegmatites’. The high water content that was naturally present when the crystals were formed contributes to their clarity, referencing the stone’s namesake, seawater. 

The areas where aquamarine are primarily sourced from in modern times can almost give you a peek into the planet’s history, starting with our early ancestors’ prehistoric ages. The best aquamarines, which embody an intense hue of blue, with excellent clarity in large crystals, are found in Brazil and Mozambique. The most valuable dark blue minerals can be found in Nigeria and Madagascar. 

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Aquamarine Buying Guide

The stones’ affiliation to the illustrious beryl family of gemstones makes them inherently desirable. Traditionally they were used most commonly in semi-fine jewelry collections that bridged the gap between fine and fashion jewelry. However, many fine jewelry designers today are incorporating them into alternative bridal settings and more. 

The Four C’s to Consider When Buying Aquamarine

  1. Color - If you’re still reading this, it means you’re already a smartypants when it comes to knowing how color can dictate the stone’s value. But, as a recap, the lighter the color, the less valuable, and the darker the blue hue is, the more valuable it is. 

    One important thing to consider as a consumer is whether or not the stone has been heat treated. This process can alter the color of the stone to a richer and more desirable hue. This is great if you know this has occurred with the stone you’re considering buying. You get a more covetable color for an affordable price. Untreated gems with the same rich hues, however, should demand a much higher price. 

  2. Clarity - This characteristic as a way to perceive value is universal with all gemstones, including diamonds. We talked a little already about the presence of inclusions, but their absence is how stones are graded for their quality. A few rule-breaker gems like rutilated quartz with unique inclusions that are actually coveted because they contain them are exceptions to the rule. 

  3. Cut - Lapidary, the art of cutting gemstones, plays a huge role in evaluating a stone’s value. Aquamarine has dichroic properties that cause the intensity of the stone’s hue to change depending on the angle it’s viewed from. A skilled lapidarist will cut according to the best color angle in favor of keeping carat weight. The emerald cut is one of the best in maximizing the intensity of the blue color. However, precisely cut gems in all the popular styles can add beautiful sparkle, including cushion, pear, marquis, and other fancy cuts. 

    Additionally, there are some famous gem cutters whose artistry has excelled beyond the traditional cuts and into a place of pure artistic vision. Their approach to their craft more resembles that of a sculpture than of a gem-cutter. Two notable names to mention are John Dyer, and Bernd Munsteiner. To acquire gems that were cut by these artists will come at a premium price. 

  4. Carat - A carat is the unit of measure that determines the price once all of the above factors are already considered. Larger stones have a more significant carat weight and value than smaller stones. Market availability often has the most impact on carat price. Since aquamarines are still abundant, the carat weight value will be largely dependent on the color, clarity, and cut. 

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Special Considerations -

Synthetic Stones - Man-made stones are made in a laboratory and mostly share their natural mineral counterparts’ physical properties. The manufacturing of these synthetics was made famous starting in the 1800s for industrial applications. In the 1970s, commercial production of lab-grown gems became popular for jewelry manufacturing. In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission requires clear documentation for synthetic stones intended for that purpose. These are to protect the consumer from confusing a lab-grown gems with naturally occurring minerals. 

Buyer beware - if the price seems too good to true, ask for certification papers. Additionally, make sure to purchase from reputable sellers. 

  • Imitation Stones - Similar to synthetics, imitation stones are also man-made. The difference is that they are not lab-created to share their natural counterparts’ physical properties but instead imitate their aesthetic. The cubic zirconia is likely the most famous example of an imitation stone and is meant to resemble a diamond. 

Shop Smart with These Safeguards

  1. Scratches on the surface of the stone is an indication that you’re dealing with a glass fake. Aquamarines score around an 8 on the Mohrs scale. This means they’re pretty tough and should be resistant to scratches. If you see imperfections on the inside, those are considered inclusions. Their presence prove the stone is real because they are part of the structure. 

  2. If any bubbles are present under the surface, it’s a sure-fire giveaway that the ‘stone’ consists of glass. 

  3. Authentic aquamarine gemstones should be colder than room temp to the touch. Place the stone to your forehead to test authenticity. 

Caring for Aquamarine

Fortunately, due to aquamarine’s durability, it is one of the easier stones to care for. It doesn’t take much to restore the stone’s original brilliance. A simple soaking it in warm soapy water, followed by a gentle scrub with a toothbrush, ought to do the trick. Dish soap works wonders due to the degreasing effects that will quickly dissolve the body oils and skin cells that normally cause a lack-luster appearance. 

If you feel like your cleaning job needs more fire-power, then a dip in an ultrasonic cleaner should do the trick. Keep in mind that these types of cleaners are only recommended for harder stones. Since we have already established that aquamarines are higher on the Mohr scale, they are tolerant for a more aggressive cleaning treatment. 

Best practice when caring for ALL stones - 

  1. Carefully store your jewelry in separate pouches. This will prevent them from scratching each other inside your jewelry box.

  2. Keep them away from household cleaners, detergents, ammonia, cosmetics, and perfumes.

  3. Get into the habit of putting on your jewelry last after getting ready and taking it off first to store after a night out correctly. 

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Aquamarines Good Vibrations

In this post, I’ve already touched upon aquamarines association with water. As we discuss the metaphysical properties, I bet you can guess which direction this might be going. If you’re conjuring adjectives in your head like calming, flowing, and peaceful, then you’re headed on the correct course. The word connection also makes it easier to remember, bonus! 

Just as water itself is a nurturing force, it’s been said, so is aquamarine. Its feminine energy, ruled by the moon, encourages emotional healing and enables a sense of harmony that is profoundly purifying. Due to its flowing grit, it’s believed that it can clear stagnant emotions, facilitating creativity to flow freely. Artists often refer to an uninterrupted state of productivity as ‘flow.’ As an artist myself, I can absolutely attest to this. 

Other applications that could benefit from Aquamarines clarifying properties could be - 

  • Those who suffer from anxiety

  • Those who experienced a recent heartbreak

  • Those who need clarity about a life decision

  • Those who live in a stressful household with conflict

  • Those who are in a contentious relationship

A few last considerations regarding this remarkable stone - 

  • It is the birthstone for March, making it perfect for gifting a piece of jewelry to the lucky March birthday ladies in your life. 

  • It is given as a 19th Wedding Anniversary gift.

  • The largest faceted aquamarine is the Dom Pedro, cut by renowned artist Bernd Munsteiner using his signature ‘fantasy cut’ technique.  It weighs almost 100 pounds and clocks in an impressive 10,363 carats. 


Aquamarines appeal goes well beyond those who were simply born in March and worth considering adding one of your own to your private collection. The stone’s beauty makes it such a valuable steal for an affordable price. 

If you already own this gorgeous stone, then be sure to use proper care so that you can enjoy its stunning beauty for many years to come. 

After the year we just had, aquamarine could be an option worth exploring to create more calm in your life. 

A bonus for you gem-junkies and lovers of this azure beauty, I’ve made an aquamarine guide that is free to download. If you’re feeling inspired to browse for a seawater stone of your own, you can window shop aquamarine jewelry with the link below. 

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