Anatomy of an A-List Stylist Closet - 02

Style Guides, Style Tips, styleAndrea LiComment

Every accessory needs a great foundation

Just as a bad hair day can ruin a perfectly good day so can the feeling of having nothing to wear.

Every woman at one point or another has had wardrobe moments that cause us to paint the floor of our bedroom like a Jackson Pollock with piles of clothing.

There’s nothing more anxiety inducing than those seemingly endless minutes passing by as you stare into a closet that refuses to give you the options for a perfect outfit.

Perhaps it’s your mood or the weather or the extra serving of pasta you had last night causing your dilemma.

No matter what ails you, a smart selection of closet basics can be your white knight when it seems like all hope of a foolproof outfit is lost.

A well stocked closet with a solid base of “building blocks” will ensure that you’re always prepared for any occasion, mood or pasta insecurity.

Timeless classics are kryptonite to the passing trends which cause us to ask “What was I thinking?” when scrolling through old Facebook photos.

Grab your Ultimate Checklist of Timeless Basics and punctually leave the house in a perfect 10 outfit every time.

Don’t forget to indulge in the best part of dressing - Addiction inducing accessories.

Especially jewelry.

Read part 1 - Anatomy of an A-List Stylist Closet - to get tips for your wardrobe from top stylists in Hollywood. Access the full article here.

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